What is load balancing?
Load balancing consist of to distribute the client requests to multiple application servers that run locally on client infrastructure. Cloud load balancing consist of to distribute the client requests to multiple application servers that run in a remote environment. Like other methods of load balancing, the cloud load balancing allows maximizes the application performance and availability; also it provides a reduction in cost and service management to match demand.
Load balancing, Hardware vs Software
Cloud load balancing benefits arising from the global and scalable nature of the cloud.
The ease and speed of expansion of the cloud means that companies can handle workload peaks without degrading performance through the collocation of a cloud load balancer in front of a group of application instances, they can be managed depending on demand.
Benefits of Cloud load balancing
Traditional load balancing solutions are based on proprietary hardware hosted in a data center, and require IT staff to install, adjust and maintain the system. Only large companies with big budgets can take advantage of the benefits that load balancers give, like performance and reliability. In the age of cloud computing, the solutions based on hardware have another serious drawback: they are not compatible with the providers of cloud infrastructure, because the providers of cloud infrastructure don’t allow proprietary hardware in its environment.

Deploying a load balancer in less than two minutes.
Developed to be easy to manage.
IP address v4 dedicated.
Balancing multiple protocols.
ZVNcloud Modules
GLobal Service Load Balancing module or GSLB module is able to balanced by DNS, improves application and data center availability and sharing resources between different geo-located data centers or disaster recovery.
GSLB module offers the possibility of creating only one profile called GSLB.
Intrusion and Prevention Detection module or IPDS module permits to configure and set protection tules at System or Farm service level. This module implements a group of technics designed to detect, analyse and block network attacks.
IPDS module have three rules groups called Blacklists, DoS and RBL.
Local Service Load Balancing module or LSLB module is able to manage TCP, UDP or HTTP[S] protocol, improves application and traffic management availability and scalability between a pool of servers geo-located in any part around the world.
LSLB module offers the posibility of creating two profiles called HTTP[s] and L4xNAT.
Profiles Balancing

- Balancing Modules
- Profile
- Easy ManagementEasy Management
- Health checksHealth checks
- Load Balancer AlgorithmsLoad Balancer Algorithms
- Port UnlimitPort Unlimit
- ProtocolProtocol
- SessionSession
- SSL SupportSSL Support
- UnlimitedUnlimited
- RegionsRegions
- Easy Management
- Health checksTCP & UDP
- Load Balancer AlgorithmsRR and prio
- Port Unlimit
- SessionIP Persistence
- SSL Support
- UnlimitedBackends
- RegionsAll
- Easy Management
- Health checksGSLB
- Load Balancer AlgorithmsRR and prio
- Port Unlimit
- ProtocolDNS
- Session
- SSL Support
- UnlimitedBackends & Services & Zones
- RegionsAll
- Easy Management
- Health checksTCP & HTTP[s]
- Load Balancer AlgorithmsRR and weight
- Port Unlimit
- ProtocolHTTP & HTTPS
- SessionIP, Cookie, Header, Cookie insert.
- SSL Support
- UnlimitedBackends & Services
- RegionsAll